You’ve probably heard of VOIP. You’ve likely used it without realising.

But what is it?

VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. It means using an internet connection instead of a phone line to make and receive calls. You don’t have a phone exchange as everything is hosted in the cloud.


Have you ever used WhatsApp or Skype to make a phone call? If so, you’ve used VOIP.

That’s the technical bit dealt with, now let’s look at why you should use VOIP.

For a start, it’s cheaper than a traditional phone system. You’re already paying for your internet connection, so why not use it for more?

Are you using a mobile number as your main business contact?

With our award-winning mobile app you can present an 01/02/03 local number to your clients, no clunky hardware needed.

Look professional and credible from as little as £9.99 a month.

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With traditional B.T. lines stopping in 2025

Everything will be switching to VOIP, so why not beat the rush and get yours installed now?

Switching is easy because we do it all for you. We’ll supply your desk phone, mobile license or laptop license and configure all the software so you can be up and running with minimal disruption.

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Get complete control and visibility of your phone system.

Call management, reporting and CRM integration are a breeze. Our VOIP systems scale with your business. No more installing additional phone lines as you grow. Adding new users is as simple as setting up a new desk phone or downloading a new app.

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Finally, it’s easy. We set up your system, host it, and deal with any problems. All you need to do is concentrate on running your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about our Internet telephone services, If you need any more information please fill out the form below and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

Internet telephone (sometimes referred to as Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP) is a phone service that connects via the internet through a cable or router.

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The simple answer is yes.  VoIP is cheaper than a landline because it uses an existing internet connection rather than requiring a separate system or additional hardware.

VoIP phone systems enhance business access to communications, improve the collaboration among teams, encourage working smarter, and give ulitimate flexibility to all users across multiple sites. They often work out cheaper than landline telephones in many instances.

We provide VOIP licences starting at £6.00 per month without call bundles.

Yes cordless phones, wired phones, mobile app based VoIP phones, along with laptop based phones can all be used. To see more of our solutions click here

Yes you can call any number you like, your call bundle usually includes 01,02,03,07 numbers inclusive within the call bundle.

Reliabilty of internet is required, so we always pulse check and review the current service that you have at the moment to ensure adequate bandwidth is available to support VoIP.  Unfortunately no location tracking for emergency calls.

VoIP is said to be free, a lot of people use whatsapp, facetime etc to call other users of that solution that is free. For business solutions, it is done on a per user basis, where a call bundle is provider to enable calls to landlines, mobile’s premium rate numbers etc, these are not free but built in to a bundle that can be tracked by the minute on your own business portal.

A lot of people use whatsapp, facetime etc to call other users of that solution that is free. Skype or teams is another solution that is promoted as free, however require a license, or credit loaded if you want to call others outside of that platform, and don’t come with the flexibility of our business VoIP solutions.

VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol takes analogue voice signals converting them into digital signals, then sending them as data via your broadband. You can use a normal phone with VoIP. however, you must have the right supporting equipment that will work with your choice of VoIP system of choice. Find out more about our selection of phones click here

If you already know what you are looking for, why not get in touch with us now.

We are happy to call you back at a time that suits you.