Can you imagine business life without the internet? Posting letters and sending faxes are quaint ideas nowadays. But imagine if your internet connection went down now? No email, no Google, no cat memes. Life would be difficult.


That’s why we offer a range of internet connectivity products and select the best one for your business.

  • ADSL & Super-fast Broadband

Perfect for a sole trader or micro-business. You can have unlimited ADSL broadband at our lowest price. If you need to step up a level, our Super-fast Broadband is your next choice, offering download speeds of 76Mbps. It’s ideal for a small business or home worker.

  • I.P. Assured Broadband

It’s a flexible alternative to ISDN. Connect your standard PBX phone system to the public switched telephone system over the internet.

  • EoFTTC

If you really want to know, it stands for Ethernet over Fibre To The Cabinet. Glad you asked? You know when you try and watch Netflix in the evening at home and occasionally it’s a bit slow. That’s because everyone on your street all uses the same line. If everyone tries to watch Stranger Things together, you get a drop in connection. EoFTTC gives you a dedicated bandwidth on your connection, so you don’t share it with anyone. You’re guaranteed 20Mbps with an additional boost to 76Mbps

  • T.T.P.

If your business has high data requirements but isn’t totally dependent on the internet, this is the choice for you.  You get ultra-fast broadband speeds of up to 330Mbps and guaranteed fix times.

  • CityFibre

The king of internet connectivity. If you need speeds of 500Mbs or 1Gbps with a 9 hour guaranteed return-to-service facility, choose CityFibre.

If 1Gbps isn’t enough, you can go further with CityFibre Ethernet. Take advantage of dedicated speeds of up to 10Gbps without the cost of a leased line.

  • Leased Lines

If you want to download the internet or start your own version of MI5, you need the constant, secure, reliability of a leased line. Talk to us for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about our Internet telephone services, If you need any more information please fill out the form below and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

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Switching internet provider is really easy. As long as you are coming to the end of or out of your current contract, Straightline can handle the entire process for you. 

No leave this with us. We will let them know you’re switching.

Yes, as long as you are coming to the end of your contract or have finished your contract and are on a rolling 30 day contract. 

It only takes about 14 days.

This is dependent on the terms of your contract, but that is what we are here for to advise and help.

Business internet costs anywhere from £19.99 a month to over £500.00 a month. The price depends on the type of connection (Standard line, Fibre from the cabinet, or Fiber straight to your premises). It often includes special features are service, like fast repair times, and service level agreements, guarentteed speeds. 

Business internet costs anywhere from £19.99 a month to over £500.00 a month. Are you spending too much?

The short answer is yes. As a general rule, home broadband packages are really only suitable for smaller businesses.  Business broadband pacages are given fix priorities over home broadband. You can also upgrade your service level agreements on business packages to enable quicker fix times. For most businesses internet is pivotal to 99% of their business efficiency so need the best internet service to support that. 

The speed available on your line can be affected by multiple things:

  • The distance your property is from the telephone exchange or street cabinet. 
  • The quality of your telephone line and internal wiring.
  • The processing power of your PC / devices.
  • How many people at the same time are using your broadband connection.
  • Whether you use a wireless or cable connection between your router and PC, laptop or other connected devices.
  • If using a wireless connection; where you keep your router.
  • The speed of websites that you visit.
  • If you connect at peak times, such as evenings, weekends or major sporting events.

Yes, you can! But you’ll need to make sure your router isn’t locked by your previous provider. When you sign up to us, we’ll send you your username and password, so you connect your own router. 

With superfast fibre-optic Ultra Broadband options, your router needs to be Very High-Speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) compatible. If it’s not, it won’t work with your new broadband service.

Today router’s are very competitively priced, it would be our recommendation to use the router specified by ourselves, that way if there is any problems we are well versed on how to solve any issues that arise.

It is encouraged to aid with future problem solving, and fault finding, often the internet provider will give a guarantee against that router that is useful.

Communication is easier with Straight Line

If you already know what you are looking for, why not get in touch with us now.

We are happy to call you back at a time that suits you.