When our founder Richard Williams was just 18 years old he went on a sales incentive trip to The Gambia. He visited, taught and helped transform a local school’s library. His experience there was life changing. Richard witnessed such poverty, but yet incredible happiness. Despite their limited resources, they had such a positive outlook. From that trip, Rich vowed that he some day would build a business that could help give school children in The Gambia an ability to communicate better and build a better life for themselves.

For this reason Straight Line Communications will donate communications devices and a share of profits each year to The Gambia’s schools. This year’s donations will be to Jamwelly Primary in Manduar. We will visit every couple of years to carry out physical work and give a helping hand, while sending packages throughout the year as well as presents at Christmas.

If after reading this you feel like you want to share, help or donate in any way; feel free to fill out the enquiry form, we would love to engage with you further, and see how together we can help build better lives.